The Beauty Of The Now

It’s easy to get caught up in the future, or to dwell on the past.  The practice of staying in the moment can be difficult, but it’s rewards are great.

NOW on the border of Oregon and California this train track brings a feeling of freedom and spiritual growth.

NOW in Pasadena California, a moment of Serenity and Peace.

NOW a sunrise in Santa Barbara, California calls for a new beginning and fuels the desire for change.

NOW in Downtown Los Angeles determination to succeed.

NOW at a juice bar in Silverlake, California nourishment fuels the soul.

Look around you right NOW.  What do you feel?  Find the beauty in the everyday moments that we often tend to look past.  Stop the hamster wheel in your mind for just a few seconds, enjoy and embrace the silence.  For to live in the now is to know true peace.  In the end, it’s those moments of peace that make the struggle worth it.


Indigo Determination

As Indigo’s, we are inclined to bite off more than we can chew.  This often lands us in pain and confusion.  However it is times of pain that allow us to grow.  No matter how bad you may want to throw in the towel and give up, how bad you want scream to the world and check out, it is those times when you have got to not give up, not let the challenges of this world overtake you.  Crawl on on your hands and knees if you must but move forward, trust in yourself and in the universe.  Forget about failure, it’s not an option.  Climb out of the abyss and shine.  It’s what we are here to do.

I read something recently that said “Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest of places.”  I think sometimes we have to go to the darkest of places in order to appreciate the light.  I’ve been to hell, I’ve got proof.  I won’t for one moment pretend that I walk a straight line.  I’ve seen and done things that most people are too ashamed to ever admit.  The difference today is that I accept full responsiblity for the choices I have made.  When we learn to accept the consequences for our actions, we can begin to see that life’s lessons are not always easy but they do have a purpose, a greater meaning that helps us grow into more enlightened beings.  Do you want to shut the door and forget about your mistakes?  Would you change the past if you could?  I sure as hell wouldn’t change a thing.

Make mistakes.  Learn from them.  Grow into your true essence.  To struggle is one of the greatest blessings of life.  It may not seem like it right now but we can not have balance without a little pain, can’t produce a rainbow without a little rain.  The moments of peace and serenity in life are only appreciated when we have experienced turmoil and madness.