The Beauty Of The Now

It’s easy to get caught up in the future, or to dwell on the past.  The practice of staying in the moment can be difficult, but it’s rewards are great.

NOW on the border of Oregon and California this train track brings a feeling of freedom and spiritual growth.

NOW in Pasadena California, a moment of Serenity and Peace.

NOW a sunrise in Santa Barbara, California calls for a new beginning and fuels the desire for change.

NOW in Downtown Los Angeles determination to succeed.

NOW at a juice bar in Silverlake, California nourishment fuels the soul.

Look around you right NOW.  What do you feel?  Find the beauty in the everyday moments that we often tend to look past.  Stop the hamster wheel in your mind for just a few seconds, enjoy and embrace the silence.  For to live in the now is to know true peace.  In the end, it’s those moments of peace that make the struggle worth it.


Frenemy Clothing: Exposing Truth With Indigo Style

Frenemy clothing has constantly caused heads to turn for may months now. What started as a hobby has turned into a growing movement… Just walk the streets of Downtown Los Angeles and you are sure to spot someone wearing a piece of Frenemy clothing.

As Indigo’s we strive to bring awareness to the world. We live to expose the truth and De-bunk the lies and hatred. Frenemy’s CEO has been living the Indigo life since his elementary years. From Skateboarding to Drawing. From the class room to the streets, I have watched this Indigo grow into one of the most well-rounded, educated, motivated and creative people I know.
Mark my word… FRENEMY will be WORLD WIDE before you know it.


When you look at the photo below what comes to mind? If it’s anything negative you’re misperceived!

This man represents the Red Swastika Society 世界紅卍字會, a voluntary association founded in China in 1922, who’s mission was broadly based in philanthropy and moral education. They were not NAZIS! What most don’t know is that there are two kinds of swastikas which are broken down below.

Most believe “Swastika” is a German/Nazi term which it is not! In fact it is asanskrit term derived thousands of years ago. The Hakencruze (the Nazi term for their swastika) was stolen from Buddhists and other peaceful cultures. Although some may refer to a hakencruze as a swastika, a swastika is NOT a hakencruze! Swastikas have been used for thousands of years to represent many cultures and religions in a positive manner. Here’s a breakdown of different swastikas used throughout history.


As you can see a multitude of cultures and religions have at one point used the swastika to represent themselves. The true meaning of a swastika is not death, hatred, and intolerance. It’s real meaning is light, love, life, good luck, peace, balance, and universal harmony!

In places like Asia the swastika is widely used on Buddhist temples and Buddhas themselves. The last thing they use the swastika for is to project anything negative.

Even in western culture swastikas are subliminally used as logos! But we don’t use it subliminally, we use it truthfully to represent it’s original meaning and spread positivity and education. Some may consider our idea a bit radical, but that’s only when it’s being misperceived. The truth of the matter is we are here to be creative and do something different, we want to encourage the best of all people. We’re sick and tired of the hate, the separation, the intolerance, the demotivation, and the negative direction we feel we’re taking as a people. We are here to motivate and re-inspire, make rad shit and create even radder vibes. So this is why we use the swastika because it’s original meaning represents us! FUCK WIT IT!!! ✌☮

You can see more of Frenemy’s work at (word on the street is the online store may open soon)
Follow Frenemy on Twitter @Frenemyclothing