Racism and Equality

It is baffling to me how prevalent Racism and Stereotyping is still.  We like to pretend in this country that we are open and accepting of other races and belief systems, but that’s straight bullshit.  Oh wow, we elected a Black president, we have come so far.  Bullshit, thousands of people shout “Nigger” every time they see Obama on T.V.  Uh oh, I used “the word,” fuckin sue me.  Call me a racist or bigot if you want to, but you may want to check with the wide variety of Spicks, Coons, Crackers, Fags, Wops, Micks, Towel Heads, Kikes and Chinks that I call friends.  I’ll bet they have a different opinion.  Yet, I have never used one of those pathetic words in an attempt to spread hate or hurt someone.

I also have never been the one who says, “We are all equal, regardless of our color on the outside.”  I don’t say that because it’s not fucking true!  Sure, we are all just humans, but all humans are not equal.  To say that we are all created equal, well I think that’s some wishful fucking thinking.  If we were all created equal then I should be able to tie Michael Phelps in a swimming race, or paint like Picasso, maybe out shoot Kobe on the court.  I could practice golf every damn day and I promise you I would never be equal to Tiger Woods.  No, I was born with my own set of unique talents.  Just like every other person on this planet.  That shows me that the we are not all “created equal” on a physical or mental level.  We are either blessed physically or mentally from day one, or we are not.  That’s just  nature.

  Then we get the roll of the dice with nurture.  That’s a fun one.  The nurture component can screw even the most talented.  Or it can be the great success of some serious mental midget’s.  Look at Bush; now I don’t care about his politics, even his biggest supporters have to admit that he is one Whisky Sour away from permanent mental retardation.  You think that man could have ever been half as successful had he not been born into wealth and power?  I guarantee you there is some kid on a dead-end street in East LA or sitting on a stoop in the Bronx right now that has the potential to be a smarter and more influential than any president we have ever had.  Chances are that child will be sucked into some false school of thought because of the color of his skin or the economic status of his parents and never have the opportunity to use his talents.  I wish I were wrong, and yes, there are the anomalies’, the ones that defy the odds; thank God for them, for without them, we would really be screwed, but the majority will waste away and only become a small piece of their true potential.

 What I am trying to say here is that yes, in a perfect society we all should be created equally. My skin color should have nothing to do with they way you judge me.  My success or failures in life should have nothing to do with the economic status of my family or the town I grew up in.  Guess what though?  In this country, it does.  It has everything to do with it.  It fucking infuriates me too.  Yet what is the solution?  How can we fix this endless ignorance?  I suppose it can start by looking in the mirror at you.  If you’re a racist asshole who can’t stand Niggers and Spicks, why don’t you pull your head out of your ass and spend a week getting to know a few.  Take a look at the struggles they go through, see the ways they take care of their family’s or treat the people around them.  Instead of standing behind your ignorance, try something different for a change.  If you are wealthy and privileged, how about you go into some inter city school for a few days, ask the teachers if there are any kids in their classes that show serious intelligence and potential.  Mentor that child, get him into a private school and teach him the things you were blessed to receive.

We got to start somewhere.   The days of marching for equality are over my friends, we can’t waist another moment holding signs and blocking traffic.  Social Media alone has a tremendous influence in this world.  Start spreading your own message of love and compassion.  Love and compassion should be Viral, not some video of a cat jumping in a bag.  No more excuses, you want change, then create your own.  It’s possible, not easy, possible.


The Winds of Change

It’s been a while since I have written anything.  I suppose I have been searching for inspiration, grasping at the fleeting moments that move me.  Hoping that something from outside may cause that spark inside that drives me to write.  The truth is, this world is looking quite depressing lately.  At least from my perspective.  No, I’m not walking around a pessimistic wet blanket drowning in self-pity and apathy.  I just have a hard time putting out optimistic uplifting writing to please my readers when I can’t stop laughing to myself and shaking my head at the vast and growing amount of dysfunction and ridiculous current events that are taking place at this moment.  Where do I even begin?  How can someone with this level of ADHD and no medication sit still or stay on topic for long enough to even publish something worth reading?

  I personally have no right to complain about anything.  I have been blessed all my life.  I never had to worry about getting shot in killed by some trigger-happy vigilantly neighborhood watch man.  No, the only people I worried with my Hoody and baggy pants were my parents.  Shit, I stole my skittles and Ice Tea cuz I spent my money on a chronic sack of weed an hour before!  No one questioned what I was doing in a gated community, even if I was casing out an open house to raid the medicine cabinet.  Oops, did I just incriminate myself?  Get used to it, I’m done censoring my writing, painting a perfect picture for the world to see.  I am far from perfect, never have been and I never will be.  Sure, I don’t smoke weed or steal today, but I sure as fuck know how too if I need to.

 No, I’m finished avoiding conflict and writing only words I know my mother would approve of.  I’m a fucking indigo, that means it’s my nature to speak up about bullshit, pull the curtains on the facts that most people would like to keep under the rug.  The great part is that I can do all of this, speak my mind, call out asshole thinking and still love every human no matter what.  Underneath it all, I still know that we are all connected, we all deserve to be loved.  I share the same love for the middle eastern man who walks into a crowd of people and blows his dumb ass up in the name of his God just as much as I love the mind fucked Christian that condemns me to Hell because I don’t accept Jesus as my one and only savior.  For both these men have a soul, a heart that loves and someone else that loves them.  Just because I don’t agree or support their actions or thoughts, doesn’t mean that I don’t love them.  I don’t have to fucking like you, but it’s my duty to love you.

I feel a change coming to the way I write on this Blog.  In the coming weeks I am going to let it all go, not worry about how politically correct or sensitive I am in regards to upsetting others.  Instead, I will be throwing out a ton of controversial topics, unpopular beliefs and opinions.  Shit, this is my creation anyway.  If you don’t like it, well, don’t read it.  Get ready, shits about to get heavy.


Shock and Awe

How does everybody sleep at night

When outside your door is genocide

Children running around with guns

Never ending Wars that can’t be won

I rest my head and the thoughts begin

Memories of a life of sin

Debauchery safe behind the grandest gates

Overdose in millionaire’s estates

Pardon me if the words of hope

Have slipped away like a bar of soap

A snow flake that is falling fast

Marriages that could never last

I’ve reached a point of disbelief

Now that enough of you seem to be listening

Time to drop the truth like we drop the bombs

My own little show of shock and awe

You ever seen an innocent child die

Sat and watched as their parents cry

Mass slaughtering in Syria

Jesus must have moved to Suburbia

Don’t get mad I wont knock your faith

I simply wish we could all relate

Come to terms with the simple fact

We all are ONE and its time to act

American media distorts the truth

Murdoch and Turner paint the view for you

Flood the waves with celebrity affairs

While our soldiers drowned in PTSD despair

3 million kids on meds for ADHD

Pharmaceutical drug lords are flourishing

While our public schools are crumbling

Teachers forced to live in poverty

I wish there was more that I could do

For now I’ll do my best to write these words for you

Maybe it could spark a flame

Light a fire that could change the game

Open Your Eyes

I know some people here, who have seen despair, have dug their graves and left them shallow.

I know some people there who self-destruct; they build up dreams just to end up face down.

There are some people now, with hopes and goals, they fall down cry and swear to change tomorrow.

Shit I’ve been those people before; I’ve witnessed hell, bewilderment shame and sorrow.

It obvious to see, when the world is slowly crumbling.

It’s a full assault on human dreams.

A cancerous worldwide disease.

It’s just incredible.

Will you speak up or stand by in apathy?

Jim is only nineteen, his father bailed; he left him at age three with no hope or answers.

Karen is twenty three, she cuts herself, she bleeds the pain, washes it down with a little red wine.

Nathan is just thirty, he lost his arm serving his country, drinks himself to sleep with Valium and a little Oxy.

I’ve seen it with my two eyes, I’ve been alone, escaping the truth with liquid Morphine.

You can choose to turn and disbelieve.

But this all is happening.

In your church and your private university’s.

Lift the vale from over your eyes.

Will you speak up or stand by in apathy?

The Beauty Of The Now

It’s easy to get caught up in the future, or to dwell on the past.  The practice of staying in the moment can be difficult, but it’s rewards are great.

NOW on the border of Oregon and California this train track brings a feeling of freedom and spiritual growth.

NOW in Pasadena California, a moment of Serenity and Peace.

NOW a sunrise in Santa Barbara, California calls for a new beginning and fuels the desire for change.

NOW in Downtown Los Angeles determination to succeed.

NOW at a juice bar in Silverlake, California nourishment fuels the soul.

Look around you right NOW.  What do you feel?  Find the beauty in the everyday moments that we often tend to look past.  Stop the hamster wheel in your mind for just a few seconds, enjoy and embrace the silence.  For to live in the now is to know true peace.  In the end, it’s those moments of peace that make the struggle worth it.


Indigo Determination

As Indigo’s, we are inclined to bite off more than we can chew.  This often lands us in pain and confusion.  However it is times of pain that allow us to grow.  No matter how bad you may want to throw in the towel and give up, how bad you want scream to the world and check out, it is those times when you have got to not give up, not let the challenges of this world overtake you.  Crawl on on your hands and knees if you must but move forward, trust in yourself and in the universe.  Forget about failure, it’s not an option.  Climb out of the abyss and shine.  It’s what we are here to do.

I read something recently that said “Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest of places.”  I think sometimes we have to go to the darkest of places in order to appreciate the light.  I’ve been to hell, I’ve got proof.  I won’t for one moment pretend that I walk a straight line.  I’ve seen and done things that most people are too ashamed to ever admit.  The difference today is that I accept full responsiblity for the choices I have made.  When we learn to accept the consequences for our actions, we can begin to see that life’s lessons are not always easy but they do have a purpose, a greater meaning that helps us grow into more enlightened beings.  Do you want to shut the door and forget about your mistakes?  Would you change the past if you could?  I sure as hell wouldn’t change a thing.

Make mistakes.  Learn from them.  Grow into your true essence.  To struggle is one of the greatest blessings of life.  It may not seem like it right now but we can not have balance without a little pain, can’t produce a rainbow without a little rain.  The moments of peace and serenity in life are only appreciated when we have experienced turmoil and madness.

When Water Meets Ice

Recently I traveled over three thousand miles in my Car.  From Southern California to the great city of San Francisco, onward and upward to Truckee and further North to Bend Oregon.  I decided to take a road I had never been on, the road less traveled if you will.  With no idea what I may come across, I set my GPS and accepted the journey.

Sometimes we all can use a long drive.  The feeling of freedom one gets from the open road is very liberating.  It allows for time to process, time to reflect and time to internalize the vast amount of feelings, emotions and decisions that we all face and make.  I challenged  myself to stay present, to not jump right on my computer and begin writing, but to instead take a week to really soak up the now.

I found myself in the middle of eastern Oregon, with no towns for 100’s of miles.  Fortunate that I had filled up my gas tank and was equipped with enough gear to survive for a week should the worst occur, I had no worries in my mind.  I came across a lake, unlike anything I had seen in my life.  Naturally I had to pull over and take it all in, my goal was to be present in the moment, so this seemed appropriate.  Half the lake was flowing clear water, the other half, solid white Ice.

As I meditated by the River’s edge, I was struck with the symbolism of the view in front of me.  Here I was, embarking on a small journey, approaching the end of 2011 and the start of 2012.  When water meets Ice we are faced with a decision, swim or walk.  Walking would be easy, however the risk is so great.  To fall through the ice could be deadly.  Sometimes the easy route is balanced by a high cost, the Yin and Yang of life is undeniable.

Balance it seems was the lesson I was to experience from this moment in Nature.  How vital it is to support a sense of moderation in life with all things.  For no one wants to be surrounded by ice, however being stuck in a vast amount of water is just as dangerous.  In the end we need both, for without water there would be no ice and without ice, there would be nothing to stand on when we tire of swimming.

Strength Within The Sunrise

For the past few months I have made a conscious effort to wake up at least three days a week to watch the Sunrise. Although it is tough getting out of a warm comfortable bed to practice this discipline, I have found that the benefits far outweigh the extra hour or two of sleep. Early mornings allow for time to prepare and center yourself before the day takes control of you. I find it interesting that people put so much power and emphasis behind a beautiful sunset, yet very little is said about the birth of a new sunrise. Celebrate the day by waking up with the sun a few times a week; this small practice will pay off handsomely in spiritual growth and personal development.

With the rising of the sun comes the start of a new game, a new race, a new day. Each day we are faced with opportunity to grow and learn, the privilege to teach and perform. Think of life as a baseball game for a minute. Each day the game starts over, some days we hit a single, maybe a double. Other days we hit home runs, while often times we simply strike out. The beauty is, each day is another chance to step up to the plate and take your swing. By actively choosing to practice the discipline of rising with the sun, you will drastically improve your odds of hitting that home run.

The practice of meditation and relaxation first thing in the morning is crucial in stimulating mindfulness and producing an abundance of Alpha waves in the brain. The reward for this practice is an increased ability to stay present, remain balanced and be ready for any situation that may arise during the coming day. It’s a well-known truth that humanity has devoted time early in the morning for centuries. All faiths and religions suggest prayer or devotion in the morning, successful businessmen and women tend to have a morning routine, rising with the sun I feel safe to say, has been practiced since the beginning of time.

It seems that with the complex lives we live today, and the intricacies of our daily tasks and distractions, the majority of us lack the discipline or basic desire to get out of our Tempurpedic, Goose Down layered beds in the morning and allow ourselves the privilege of waking up with the planet. No, far to often we instead hop out of bed at the last possible moment and scramble to work or our first appointment, on edge till we get that Starbucks in our hands and head down the highway in full survival, fight or flight mode, Beta waves driving us into the day instead of Alpha waves. Slow down, wake up and center yourself as the daylight spreads across the land. Do yourself the favor; see first hand the power of rising with the sun. Remain mindful of the future and conscious of the past, but never at the expense of the moment.

When Time Stands Still

Within the depths of every human lives an innate ability to love.  Often this ability is in abundance for any given person at any given time.  Just as often it seems to hide from us.  As if it fears the judgment of ego, like a child who fears the dark, peering out from the blanket not sure if its safe to come out.  How then, can one recover their innate ability to love?

To view the rest of “The Protea Bouquet and Hafiz” album, visit Juniper Seahorses on Facebook.

 The answers are all around us, if we slow down enough to listen.  Human life provides countless opportunities to fill the depths of our essence. The blink of an eye can change anyone’s world.  With no warning we are often blindsided by monumental moments, moments that cause time to stand still.

 There are small glimpses in time when the planet seems to stop and allow us a privilege to look at what is really important in life.  The privilege is ours if we choose to accept. We can’t deny our free will. So I ask, “How often do you accept the privilege?”

When time stands still, when these brief moments occur, that is when the ego slips under the covers and hides away.  Fear disappears in the presence of love.  Fear and ego simply cannot coexist with love at the same time.  Love turns the light back on, and like the child who fears the dark; the light replaces fear with comfort.

Embrace the silence, soak up the love.
